Digital X-Rays
Teeth X-rays have come a long way over the years. Today’s digital technology allows us to take digital X-ray images of your teeth, gums, and jaw bones to instantly view results on enlarged screens, right in the dentist's office.
Even better, this new technology reduces the patient’s exposure to the little radiation previous X-ray technology included by 80-90% in comparison. We are all exposed to a little radiation in our daily lives and we take the proper steps to ensure that we provide the safest environment for your treatment.
Digital X-rays provide an important step in your dental examination that allows the dentist to get a closer look at what is going on with your teeth, gumline, and the bones underneath to check for any signs of dental issues or complications not visible by just a visual inspection of your teeth and gums.
How Often Should I Get Teeth X-rays?
This varies depending on your specific dental situation but keeping up with regularly scheduled visits with Dr. Vette will allow our staff to ensure you are getting the proper X-rays at the appropriate intervals.
A full mouth series of dental X-rays is recommended for new patients. A full series is usually good for three to five years. Bite-wing X-rays (x-rays of top and bottom teeth biting together) are taken at recall (check-up) visits and are recommended once or twice per year.
Benefits of Dental X-Rays
Dental X-rays can reveal a number of dental conditions that could be potentially harmful to your health including:
- Abscesses or cysts
- Bone loss
- Cancerous and non-cancerous tumors
- Decay between the teeth
- Developmental abnormalities
- Poor tooth and root positions
- Problems inside a tooth or below the gumline
Detecting and treating dental problems at an early stage may save you time, money, unnecessary discomfort, and, most importantly, your teeth!