Periodontal Scaling

Periodontal diseases are caused by bacterial infections that attach to gums, ligaments, and bone in your mouth. Although the body has some natural defenses that resist bacterial attacks, these may not fully protect gum and bone tissues from inflammation and infection.


If you notice any of the following signs, see Dr. Vette immediately:

  • Gums that bleed easily.
  • Red, swollen or tender gums.
  • Pus between the teeth and gums when the gums are pressed.
  • Persistent bad breath or a bad taste.
  • Permanent teeth which are loose or separating.
  • Any change in the way your teeth fit together when you bite.
  • Any changes in the fit of partial dentures.

Periodontal disease is caused by a variety of bacteria that create a sticky film on the teeth known as plaque. Toxins in plaque can begin to irritate the gums and bones which leads to periodontal disease. 


Plaque, if not removed, will also harden and form tartar. Tartar that gets below the gumline makes it more difficult to treat and clean plaque below the gumline which can create a chronic infection and inflammation.


Brushing at home, even multiple times a day, is not enough to clean your teeth and protect them from the formation of plaque and tartar. Seeing Dr. Vette every six months for an annual cleaning and checkup will remove plaque and tartar from your teeth. These annual visits will help reduce the change of periodontal disease while you brush at home in between visits.

Checking for Periodontal Diseases


Routine checkups with Dr. Vette include an examination of your gums to look for dental issues such as periodontal disease. We will check for pockets in the gumline and monitor any gum recession that looks like it could pose a problem.


In addition, dental X-rays allow Dr. Vette to take a closer look at the bones underneath your teeth for closer inspection. One thing you can count on is that Dr. Vette has all of the necessary dental tools and experience for a complete examination.


Treating Periodontal Diseases


Treatment depends on the level of periodontal disease presented.


We will start with a thorough cleaning and possible periodontal scaling to remove the plaque and tartar that has formed below the gumline. Depending on the stage of the disease, treatment can be performed from anywhere within two to four dental visits and our practice provides a local anesthetic for comfort and nitrous oxide (laughing gas) is also available upon request.

Minimize Your Risk for Periodontal Disease


Many factors contribute to periodontal disease so by being aware of these risks, you can minimize your chances of infection.

  • Tobacco Use
  • Bridge – Improper Fit
  • Clenching/Grinding of Teeth
  • Poor Diet
  • Pregnancy
  • Medication and Chemotherapy
  • Systemic Disease
  • Improper Oral Hygiene


The best defense against periodontal disease and other dental complications is to practice good oral hygiene by brushing at least twice a day, flossing, and keeping annual visits scheduled with Dr. Vette.