Teeth Extractions

At the family dental practice of Dr. James A. Vette, DDS., our first and foremost concern is protecting and strengthening your natural teeth. There are times, however, when extracting one or a couple of your natural teeth is required.


This can be due to severe damage to a tooth from an accident, a fracture, overcrowding of teeth, or teeth that have become compacted. If this is the case, Dr. Vette provides safe and professional tooth extraction to alleviate the problem and improve the status of your teeth.


If you’ve had a recent tooth extraction, be sure to follow these tips to minimize complications. The dentist will go over all of these after surgery but we list them here as well for your convenience.

What to Eat & Drink

The Day of the Surgery When You Get Home

  • Stick to a liquid diet
  • Do no drink with a straw

The Days Following Surgery

  • Stick to a soft diet - mashed potatoes, soups, pasta, eggs, custards
  • Be sure to drink a lot of fluids: water, tea, coffee, milk, juice, etc.

Oral Hygiene

  • Do not rinse the same day you’ve had surgery, this could cause bleeding
  • The day after surgery - dissolve ½ teaspoon of salt in warm water and rinse with this solution. Do this for at least five days in the morning, after each meal, and at night before bed.
  • You may start brushing your teeth normally the day after the extraction but avoid the area of the extraction.


Do not smoke for 3 days after surgery. Smoking will disrupt healing.


Dry Sockets

Dry sockets happen when the blood clot is disturbed. This can be painful so avoid doing the following three to five days after surgery to minimize chances of dry sockets.

  • Forcefully spitting
  • Disturbing the area with your tongue or finger
  • Smoking or drinking through a straw
  • Drinking carbonated beverages (soda or beer)
  • Holding your nose when sneezing
  • Eating hard or chewy foods, especially foods such as chips or nuts that can break into small sharp pieces

If you develop a dry socket, contact the office so we can place a medicated dressing over the spot.

Information & Instructions After Oral Surgery

There are several conditions which may occur after oral surgery. The following list contains conditions that can be considered normal:

  • The area operated on may swell.
  • The swelling may become large.
  • You may develop a slight earache.
  • You may have a sore throat.
  • Trismus (tightness) of the muscles may cause difficulty in opening the mouth
  • You may feel numbness around the corner of your mouth on the side from which the tooth was removed.
  • Your other teeth may ache. This is “sympathetic” pain, a temporary condition.
  • If the corners of your mouth are stretched, they may dry out and crack. Keep your lips moist with a cream or ointment.
  • There will be a hole where the tooth was removed. The hole will gradually fill in with new tissue. Keep this area clean by rinsing with warm salt water after meals and before bed. Do not rinse the day of the surgery. Start rinsing the day following surgery.
  • You may have a slight fever for 24 to 48 hours after surgery. If your fever continues to rise, contact the office.

Follow Up

If you have sutures that require removal, your dentist will tell you when to return to the office.